This picture really doesn't have anything to do with the project other than the fact that I drew it while writing the first scene. |
My with working on Elevator Music is starting doing daily 1 hour free writing sessions. This will help me keep a consist work pace. Also, this should help me do the next three things faster: Finish giving everyone a name; finish writing the detailed season outline (I pretty have the general outline complete in my head and a detailed outline of episode 1 done. Also more general outlines of seasons 2-5 in my head); finish writing the first script. After that on to episode 2 and so on to episode 6. Then normal polishing and editing and I will like to pass the script around and see what others think of it. Maybe some more polishing and editing after that. This is my plan for now.
I’m also thinking about probably doing weekly video updates, but sides the on-going pilot I kinda want the story to be a surprise until I finish that writing that episode. So, what would I talk about? I’m thinking about it. I’ll see.